Manifestation has become trendy in pop-psychology books, but it’s important to understand the scientific roots of this method. It’s not merely about daydreaming or imagining something and “wishing for it to come true.”
Reaching your full potential requires commitment and an internal locus of control. It’s also about identifying your core values and creating goals that align with them.
What is Potentialism?
Potential, from the Latin potentia, means “power.” It’s used to describe things that have the ability or capacity to become something else. For example, a person who has the potential to become a great artist, or a building with the potential to be a great home. When used in this context, the word has a positive connotation.
Manifestation is the process of creating your reality using mental, spiritual, and physical techniques. It’s an extremely powerful practice that can help you unlock your potential, change your beliefs, and love yourself. However, its recent trendiness and casual usage have led to skepticism and misconceptions.
In manifestation, you’re aligning how you think, feel, and believe with your most intense desires. By integrating certain practices, such as journaling, setting goals, embracing gratitude, and trusting in the universe, you can manifest your dreams into reality. However, it’s important to remember that manifestation is a journey, not a destination. It takes time to retrain your mind and paint the picture of what you want in your life.
When you manifest, you work hand-in-hand with your Unlimited Self (also known as the Transcendental Self). This aspect of yourself is not limited by space or time and has access to Chitta—cosmic knowledge. It is your Unlimited Self that sets up the probabilities, while your personality-self gives structure to the energy of those probabilities. As you co-create with your Unlimited Self, you begin to see more and more of your desires fulfilled.
You’ll also find that you are more able to deal with the challenges of life, seeing setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than a threat to your dream. It’s this approach that leads to increased success in both your personal and professional lives. The key is to be in a continuous state of gratitude and to celebrate each step of your journey, no matter how small it may seem. By doing this, you’re embracing the concept of potentialism—the belief that all possibilities exist and are within your reach. This is how you’ll be able to manifest your potential and create the life you desire.
Identify Your Core Values
If you’re interested in manifesting your potential, it’s essential to know what your core values are. Identifying them will help you find meaning in daily life, live with integrity, and stay on track with what matters most to you. Plus, it’s a great exercise for self-improvement. Block off some time this week to start defining your core values. You may surprise yourself with what you come up with!
In addition to determining what’s important to you, you can use your core values to help you set goals. For example, if you value courage, wisdom, or compassion, you can use those values to determine what kind of person you want to be and how you’d like to show up in the world. You can then create a vision statement based on those goals, which you can read and meditate on regularly to help you feel more grounded.
One of the most common reasons people struggle to manifest their desired outcomes is that they’re too tethered to a specific timeline. This can backfire because it sends a message to your brain that you’re not good enough if the outcome doesn’t happen as quickly as you wanted. It can also be difficult for some people to let go of the idea that their positive results could arrive in ways they don’t expect.
As a psychologist, I’m often concerned when I hear about people using manifesting techniques without first identifying their core values. It’s especially problematic when those beliefs are tied to social justice and equity principles. Manifesting is a powerful tool for improving our lives, but it shouldn’t be used to ignore or minimize systemic barriers.
If you have a clear sense of what’s most important to you, it can help guide your decisions and inspire you to keep going when the going gets tough. So take some time to re-examine your values and vision statement, then commit to making them a bigger part of your life! Then you’ll be on the right track to unlocking your true potential. And don’t forget to celebrate your successes along the way!
Identify Your Goals
When you know what your values and goals are, you can begin to start the Quest for Potential Theory. Some practitioners do this through a series of practices, such as prayer, meditation, visualization, speaking their intentions out loud, creating a vision board and/or a future box, or affirmations (we have an abundance of positive ones in the Gratitude app). Whatever you choose to do, it’s important that you set clear goals, because manifestation works best when it’s working hand-in-hand with your physical and emotional action plans.
For example, if you’re nervous about giving a big presentation, using manifestation to visualize a successful talk can calm your nerves. If you want to find a new job, manifesting through a vision board can help you focus on internal opportunities and open up your eyes to external possibilities. If you want to start your own business, manifesting can help you get clear on what type of business is right for you and what steps to take next.
However, the practice of manifesting isn’t a cure-all for life’s challenges. Many experts warn that if you aren’t dealing with the underlying issues that have kept you from achieving your previous goals, your attempts at manifesting could backfire. So, before attempting any new goals, you might consider seeking therapy or counseling, if you are able to do so (click here for affordable options).
For instance, let’s say Shyanne wants to manifest a loving partner. But she’s still struggling with buried emotions surrounding her parents’ divorce. If she continues to try and attract love into her life without working through those issues, the relationship is likely to end up toxic.
The same goes for all other goals you may have, such as finding a healthy weight or becoming financially independent. So, if you’re feeling stuck in a rut, use manifesting as a tool to help you think outside the box and get creative about how you might make changes. And don’t forget to celebrate your successes and the synchronicities that appear along the way! The Universe has your back. And remember, the universe will bring you exactly what you believe you deserve—as long as you stay focused on the desired outcome and don’t get hung up on a timeline or specific means of arrival.
Visualize Your Goals
Visualizing your goals is one of the most important steps in the manifestation process. It helps to make your intentions and desires more realistic, as well as to overcome negative self-talk and other hurdles that might stand in the way of your success.
There are several ways to visualize your goals, and it is important to find a method that works for you. You can write your goal down on a piece of paper, or you can close your eyes and picture it in your mind. It is also helpful to focus on the emotions you will feel when you achieve your goals. This will amplify the power of your visualizations.
Some people find it helpful to take a physical object that represents their goal and place it somewhere they will see it often. For example, someone who wants to become a millionaire might put a dollar bill on their desk or in front of them when working, and envision themselves having more money than the amount represented by the object (like stacks upon stacks of dollars). Another effective tool for visualization is affirmations. These are positive statements that help to overcome negative self-talk and to build up your belief in your ability to achieve your goals.
It is also important to remember that the manifestation process takes time, so it is crucial to stay patient and consistent with your practices. There are some famous individuals who have publicly spoken about how they use the Law of Attraction and visualization to manifest their dreams, including actor Jim Carrey.
The best way to utilize visualization is to make a habit of it, and to practice it daily. This will ensure that you are constantly sending out the right vibrations to the universe, and that you will be able to attract what you desire into your life. Be sure to also take action and work toward your goals, as this will help to speed up the manifestation process. With persistence and patience, you will be able to achieve your dreams! Good luck! –Julie M.