Does your child attend church and want to have kids in a Christian school? Is your child’s spiritual development lacking? If so, you might want to reconsider your decision. Kids in Christian schools can perform as well as their secular counterparts, but there are several differences between a Christian school and a regular school.
Let’s look at some of the differences and see if your child deserves to attend a Christian school: First of all, kids in Christian schools follow very specific rules. They are taught about their obligations to God, to their fellow students, and to the school itself.
Kids in regular schools might learn about those things at random or might learn about them in a cursory way. But a Christian child will learn about his obligations to God and to fellow humans in detail. He’ll learn the ways of God by participating in the Bible.
If he were to do that in a regular school, he wouldn’t be taking proper Biblical instruction. Secondly, kids in Christian schools are expected to participate in prayer. It’s not optional. If your child doesn’t want to do it, he shouldn’t. If he was doing something wrong, he should know that right away and that he shouldn’t be punished for it.
He should know that because God said that prayer is good and that he should partake in it, he shouldn’t be punished for it. Third, kids in Christian schools are also expected to keep the Ten Commandments. God gave us the commandments to be obedient.
So kids in a regular school don’t really have that responsibility. They are only expected to keep the commandments, not participate in ritualistic activities that aren’t consistent with the commandments. A good Christian kid is taught to obey God first and to take care of himself.
Fourth, kids in Christian schools are encouraged to have the emotional and spiritual strength that comes from the regular practice of Bible study. Sunday morning is the best time for this kind of study. The kids can’t go to church just to study. So they study here when they have time.
Kids in regular schools don’t get this kind of chance, especially if they don’t feel like studying because all they do is to learn what’s wrong or right according to the Christian point of view. Christian kids tend to view things a little bit differently. If something doesn’t seem right to them, they might wonder why it’s wrong.
They might question a Christian teacher’s authority because of this. But kids in regular schools can’t do that. Fifth, there is no gender discrimination in Christian schools. There are special needs students who need to have additional aid getting into the classroom.
Some kids simply don’t understand the concepts of sex or relationships because of their physical or mental handicaps. So a Christian school would have programs and activities specially adapted for kids with special needs. Some other factors include Christian values and beliefs so that the kids can internalize those and have a stronger Christian faith.
Sixth, Christian schools offer a lot more. For instance, the physical education classes for kids with special needs may cover bible studies, math, science, and the history of faith. Other classes might include art and music therapy, physical fitness and exercise, and health and nutritional counseling.
So the kids have many opportunities and boundaries to explore, including their spiritual and physical limitations. Seventh, you know that sometimes a special needs child can best learn by being among his peers. In a Christian school setting, the teachers are carefully selected to be able to encourage and support the kids with special needs.
Also, the schools have a strong student-teacher relationship because of the connection between the pastor and the principal. The kids know that the teachers value them as a child growing in the faith. They know that when they go home, they will find support from the church staff and their family, too.
Lastly, the school has a social system to help kids feel comfortable in their new environment. Christian schools don’t just give lessons; they encourage whole-life involvement. They have Bible study and activity days, music and sports club activities, and organized holiday parties and field trips.
All kids feel welcome at this kind of school. Christian schools can be great spaces for kids with special needs to find the acceptance and love of their community. Christian school programs are very effective because they work on the child’s identity and understanding of himself.
This helps him to develop a sense of who he is along with developing a set of behaviors and personality traits.
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